5、统计连接状态。此项功能可以让我们看出哪些连接状态比较大。如果SYN-RECV状态比较多的话,有可以受到半连接攻击。如果ESTABLISED非常大,但通过日志发现没有那么多请求,或者通过发现大量ip只建立连接不请求数据的话,可能是受到了全连接攻击,这时候如果你使用的是服务器,可以在配置文件增加listen 80 deferred来防止。
2、ss: 此脚本用ss命令来统计连接状态,实际使用发现ss比netstat高效得多。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 | #!/bin/bash #显示菜单(单选) display_menu(){ local soft=$1 local prompt= "which ${soft} you'd select: " eval local arr=(\${${soft}_arr[@]}) while true do echo -e "#################### ${soft} setting ####################\n\n" for ((i=1;i<=${ #arr[@]};i++ )); do echo -e "$i) ${arr[$i-1]}"; done echo read -p "${prompt}" $soft eval local select =\$$soft if [ "$select" == "" ] || [ "${arr[$soft-1]}" == "" ]; then prompt= "input errors,please input a number: " else eval $soft=${arr[$soft-1]} eval echo "your selection: \$$soft" break fi done } #把带宽bit单位转换为人类可读单位 bit_to_human_readable(){ #input bit value local trafficValue=$1 if [[ ${trafficValue%.*} -gt 922 ]]; then #conv to Kb trafficValue=` awk - v value=$trafficValue 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f",value/1024}' ` if [[ ${trafficValue%.*} -gt 922 ]]; then #conv to Mb trafficValue=` awk - v value=$trafficValue 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f",value/1024}' ` echo "${trafficValue}Mb" else echo "${trafficValue}Kb" fi else echo "${trafficValue}b" fi } #判断包管理工具 check_package_manager(){ local manager=$1 local systemPackage= '' if cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu|debian" ; then systemPackage= 'apt' elif cat /etc/issue | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat" ; then systemPackage= 'yum' elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "ubuntu|debian" ; then systemPackage= 'apt' elif cat /proc/version | grep -q -E -i "centos|red hat|redhat" ; then systemPackage= 'yum' else echo "unkonw" fi if [ "$manager" == "$systemPackage" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } #实时流量 realTimeTraffic(){ local eth= "" local nic_arr=(` ifconfig | grep -E -o "^[a-z0-9]+" | grep - v "lo" | uniq `) local nicLen=${ #nic_arr[@]} if [[ $nicLen - eq 0 ]]; then echo "sorry,I can not detect any network device,please report this issue to author." exit 1 elif [[ $nicLen - eq 1 ]]; then eth=$nic_arr else display_menu nic eth=$nic fi local clear = true local eth_in_peak=0 local eth_out_peak=0 local eth_in=0 local eth_out=0 while true ; do #移动光标到0:0位置 printf "\033[0;0H" #清屏并打印Now Peak [[ $ clear == true ]] && printf "\033[2J" && echo "$eth--------Now--------Peak-----------" traffic_be=(` awk - v eth=$eth -F '[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev `) sleep 2 traffic_af=(` awk - v eth=$eth -F '[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev `) #计算速率 eth_in=$(( (${traffic_af[0]}-${traffic_be[0]})*8 /2 )) eth_out=$(( (${traffic_af[1]}-${traffic_be[1]})*8 /2 )) #计算流量峰值 [[ $eth_in -gt $eth_in_peak ]] && eth_in_peak=$eth_in [[ $eth_out -gt $eth_out_peak ]] && eth_out_peak=$eth_out #移动光标到2:1 printf "\033[2;1H" #清除当前行 printf "\033[K" printf "%-20s %-20s\n" "Receive: $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_in)" "$(bit_to_human_readable $eth_in_peak)" #清除当前行 printf "\033[K" printf "%-20s %-20s\n" "Transmit: $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_out)" "$(bit_to_human_readable $eth_out_peak)" [[ $ clear == true ]] && clear = false done } #流量和连接概览 trafficAndConnectionOverview(){ if ! which tcpdump > /dev/null ; then echo "tcpdump not found,going to install it." if check_package_manager apt; then apt-get -y install tcpdump elif check_package_manager yum; then yum -y install tcpdump fi fi local reg= "" local eth= "" local nic_arr=(` ifconfig | grep -E -o "^[a-z0-9]+" | grep - v "lo" | uniq `) local nicLen=${ #nic_arr[@]} if [[ $nicLen - eq 0 ]]; then echo "sorry,I can not detect any network device,please report this issue to author." exit 1 elif [[ $nicLen - eq 1 ]]; then eth=$nic_arr else display_menu nic eth=$nic fi echo "please wait for 10s to generate network data..." echo #当前流量值 local traffic_be=(` awk - v eth=$eth -F '[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev `) #tcpdump监听网络 tcpdump - v -i $eth -tnn > /tmp/tcpdump_temp 2>&1 & sleep 10 clear kill ` ps aux | grep tcpdump | grep - v grep | awk '{print $2}' ` #处理tcpdump文件 awk '/^IP/{print;getline;print}' /tmp/tcpdump_temp > /tmp/tcpdump_temp2 awk '{len=$NF;sub(/\)/,"",len);getline;print $0,len}' /tmp/tcpdump_temp2 > /tmp/tcpdump #10s后流量值 local traffic_af=(` awk - v eth=$eth -F '[: ]+' '{if ($0 ~eth){print $3,$11}}' /proc/net/dev `) #打印10s平均速率 local eth_in=$(( (${traffic_af[0]}-${traffic_be[0]})*8 /10 )) local eth_out=$(( (${traffic_af[1]}-${traffic_be[1]})*8 /10 )) echo -e "\033[32mnetwork device $eth average traffic in 10s: \033[0m" echo "$eth Receive: $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_in)/s" echo "$eth Transmit: $(bit_to_human_readable $eth_out)/s" echo #统计每个端口在10s内的平均流量 regTcpdump=$( ifconfig | grep -A 1 $eth | awk -F '[: ]+' '$0~/inet addr:/{printf $4"|"}' | sed -e 's/|$//' -e 's/^/(/' -e 's/$/)\\\\\.[0-9]+:/' ) echo -e "\033[32maverage traffic in 10s base on server port: \033[0m" awk -F '[ .:]+' - v regTcpdump=$regTcpdump '{if ($0 ~ regTcpdump){line="clients > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11":"$12}else{line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5":"$6" > clients"};sum[line]+=$NF*8/10}END{for (line in sum){printf "%s %d\n",line,sum[line]}}' /tmp/tcpdump | \ sort -k 4 -nr | head -n 10 | while read a b c d; do echo "$a $b $c $(bit_to_human_readable $d)/s" done echo echo -e "\033[32maverage traffic in 10s base on client port: \033[0m" awk -F '[ .:]+' - v regTcpdump=$regTcpdump '{if ($0 ~ regTcpdump){line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5":"$6" > server"}else{line="server > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11":"$12};sum[line]+=$NF*8/10}END{for (line in sum){printf "%s %d\n",line,sum[line]}}' /tmp/tcpdump | \ sort -k 4 -nr | head -n 10 | while read a b c d; do echo "$a $b $c $(bit_to_human_readable $d)/s" done echo #统计在10s内占用带宽最大的前10个ip echo -e "\033[32mtop 10 ip average traffic in 10s : \033[0m" awk -F '[ .:]+' - v regTcpdump=$regTcpdump '{if ($0 ~ regTcpdump){line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5" > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11":"$12}else{line=$2"."$3"."$4"."$5":"$6" > "$8"."$9"."$10"."$11};sum[line]+=$NF*8/10}END{for (line in sum){printf "%s %d\n",line,sum[line]}}' /tmp/tcpdump | \ sort -k 4 -nr | head -n 10 | while read a b c d; do echo "$a $b $c $(bit_to_human_readable $d)/s" done echo #统计连接状态 regSS=$( ifconfig | grep -A 1 $eth | awk -F '[: ]+' '$0~/inet addr:/{printf $4"|"}' | sed -e 's/|$//' ) ss -an | grep - v -E "LISTEN|UNCONN" | grep -E "$regSS" > /tmp/ss echo -e "\033[32mconnection state count: \033[0m" awk 'NR>1{sum[$(NF-4)]+=1}END{for (state in sum){print state,sum[state]}}' /tmp/ss | sort -k 2 -nr echo #统计各端口连接状态 echo -e "\033[32mconnection state count by port: \033[0m" awk 'NR>1{sum[$(NF-4),$(NF-1)]+=1}END{for (key in sum){split(key,subkey,SUBSEP);print subkey[1],subkey[2],sum[subkey[1],subkey[2]]}}' /tmp/ss | sort -k 3 -nr | head -n 10 echo #统计端口为80且状态为ESTAB连接数最多的前10个IP echo -e "\033[32mtop 10 ip ESTAB state count at port 80: \033[0m" cat /tmp/ss | grep ESTAB | awk -F '[: ]+' '{sum[$(NF-2)]+=1}END{for (ip in sum){print ip,sum[ip]}}' | sort -k 2 -nr | head -n 10 echo #统计端口为80且状态为SYN-RECV连接数最多的前10个IP echo -e "\033[32mtop 10 ip SYN-RECV state count at port 80: \033[0m" cat /tmp/ss | grep -E "$regSS" | grep SYN-RECV | awk -F '[: ]+' '{sum[$(NF-2)]+=1}END{for (ip in sum){print ip,sum[ip]}}' | sort -k 2 -nr | head -n 10 } main(){ while true ; do echo -e "1) real time traffic.\n2) traffic and connection overview.\n" read -p "please input your select(ie 1): " select case $ select in 1) realTimeTraffic; break ;; 2) trafficAndConnectionOverview; break ;; *) echo "input error,please input a number." ;; esac done } main |